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Crazy-Ghost-Smilewhileyoustillcan @blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hey!it's been a LONG LONG time since i've updated this blog-.-"after all the complains,i've finally decided to revive this blog!WOOHOO!

i did some self reflections tonight..
Finally,i accepted some of the facts that i've been trying to hide away from..
it's actually no use trying to keep friendships going when the other parties are actually alr enjoying wad they have now.

How would u feel if u have treated this someone as ur best best best friend and yet to him or her,u are just ANOTHER FRIEND.
when ur trying to maintain the friendships that u used to have,u realise that all these are only ONE-SIDED EFFORTS and ur presence, to ur friends are just another form of disturbance in their new life(that's wad they all say).To them,i'm just another person to keep them occupied for a day(to put it nicely,for ENTERTAINMENT sake).i used to tell myself that i'm too sensitive and bla bla..but yeah,now i've understand and thought through it all..hmm..it's hard to write down my feelings in words but sadly,these are miserable thoughts.Maybe it's time i LEARN from them and start to actually FORGET friendships of the past and MOVE on.why would i be so stupid to use 我的热脸去贴你的冷屁股?!LIKE I HAVE NOTHIN BETTER TO DO!i shall only be good to those who are BOTHERED.at least if they seem they are.well,one step at a time.we'll see..

P.S.it took me quite long to realise this too but at least it's not too late that i realise it now.we may not be happy with our families or parents now and feel that our friends in school are our closest kin in the world and bla bla shit..but at the end of the day,think abt this,when sth happens to u in the future,will ur so called best friends help you?They themselves will have problems to settle!WHO CARES ABT YOU!come on,be realistic.When your down in your luck,no one will even BOTHER about you,just accept it!Only ur parents will be ard to help you.THINK about it,when we quarrel with our parents,is it really because they are unreasonable?or izzit that we are too wildful?think abt it,seriously.

To SOME pp(i won't mention who) ..

maybe it's just stupid of me to think that our friendships will stay the same after we've moved on..but since it seems like u guys are happy with the way things are right now,then i will just say,i won't BOTHER looking u guys up again unless NECESSARY(pest izzn't really sth to describe me)since i have other IMPT things to take care of rather than being with u guys.I WON'T WASTE MY PRECIOUS TIME ANYMORE!so TAKE CARE!

i will stay happy too(: